Medicinal Marijuana

Medicinal Marijuana

Phyto-Nutrients for Health

CBD Unlimited's industrial hemp CBD oils can help7

Medicinal Marijuana
Medicinal Marijuana 12/24/2017 4:24:00 PM

Study: Marijuana extract sucessful in fighting epilepsy

A study out Monday found that a new way to treat epilepsy, using a marijuana extract, is showing a great deal of promise. Dr. Jon LaPook investigates.

CBD Unlimited's industrial hemp CBD oils can help to eliminate inflammation pain before it begins to propagate. 

Industrial hemp CBD oils have been shown to be a powerful anti-inflammatory, several hundred times more potent in relieving inflammation than aspirin; with inflammation the most common form of pain throughout the body, speak with our staff today to learn all of the potential medicinal benefits of cannabidiol. 


Medicinal Marijuana
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Medicinal Marijuana

Phyto-Nutrients for Health

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