

Content Creators of Financial Education

What Annuities Will Do Forget Current Company

Finance 6/25/2019 11:53:16 AM

What Annuities Will Do - Steve Savant’s Money, the Name of the Game – Part 2 of 5

Sub Headline: Forget Current Company Practice - What Are the Contractual Guarantees? Synopsis: If past performance is no guarantee of future results, why rev...

What Annuities Will Do Forget Current Company Practice - What Are the Contractual Guarantees? As an example: comparing a guaranteed lifetime annuity contract is
simply a ‘bang for the buck’ proposition. If all the companies are rated
to your satisfaction and the lifetime guaranteed language is the same,
then whoever generates the highest monthly income is the winner. For
guaranteed income payments, go to and review the top ten
income companies that fit your “ratings” threshold.

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Content Creators of Financial Education

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