Content Creation Campaigns

We create fresh content regularly

Read More
  • Already have a presence but want to stay on Top

  • 4 Articles
  • 80 Posts
  • Social Sharing
  • $1,000.00
  • PRO
  • Recommended to Gain Tangible Results Promptly
  • 12 Articles
  • 240 Posts
  • Social Sharing
  • 2 Videos Approximately 60 Seconds
  • $3,000.00
  • GOLD
  • Need a Push to Get Traction Build Brand Awareness Increase overall Presence.
  • 20 Articles
  • 400 Posts
  • Social Sharing
  • 4 Videos Approximately 60 Seconds
  • $5,000.00

Right Now Status Upates

Right Now Status Updates are a key component to each campaign. Our team of writers creates each Right Now post from scratch. These posts appear throughout your ongoing campaign. Each Right Now post consists of text, pictures that include titles, video (provided you have them) and always a link to your website to drive traffic. By combining each of these content verticals in each individual post, search engines deem them as relevant content helping them to get indexed. All posts can be shared to multiple social networking sites from the® site and the® App. All posts can be crawled by Google for indexing.


Each campaign includes articles that are written to expand on the products or services that you provide and to assist in improving your overall online presence. Articles are written in house by Findit's staff of writers. All articles include a picture gallery, a video when the client has one available, and backlinks to the website the client wants to drive traffic to. As articles are written and published, they are then included in the Right Now post as well to increase the likelihood of improved indexing in search engines. Articles can be shared to multiple social networking sites from the® site.

Videos® will write the scripts. Send over for approval and edits. Once approved submit for production. Videos take approximately 3 calendar weeks. Upon completion videos our owned by the client. Videos are posted into® Youtube account and are used in articles and press release. We recommend videos are uploaded to client Youtube account as well.

Featured Member Profiles

Each client will be given at least one® Site. Some multiple depending on Campaign.® sites are built out by our team of writers and graphic designers at®. We look at what search terms you are targeting and often where you are located. Once we do this we select the best URLs for your® Sites to increase your overall odds of increasing and improving your online presence in search and social.

Sharing® shares all content created to social networking platforms. In most cases with @ to members that may find the content interesting. This can create engagement with the people we @. We also include # tags in posts so that certain keywords or phrases will pull up the posts we share to drive more interaction with each post.

Call® today to set up your Content Campaign 404 443 3224 Available Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 4 30 p.m. E.S.T.