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Collateralized Loans from Cash Value Life Insurance Policies & Home Equity Could Be Tax Free

Loans from Cash Value Life Insurance & Mortgage Loan Distributions Are Not Included for Social Security Taxation

Mesa 12/12/2019 9:00:00 AM

Cash Value Life Insurance designed as a Non Modified Endowment Contract (non MEC) can generate tax-free collateralized policy loans and withdrawal of basis tax-free as long as the policy is kept in force for the life of the policy insured. Therefore cash value life insurance in this scenario is a life-long buy and hold position, beyond the traditional long-term horizon timeline. There are four types of cash value policies to choose from based on your risk tolerance and product suitability for your financial goals: Participating Whole life, Universal Life, Indexed Universal Life and Variable Universal Life. The crediting methods for each policy type have advantages and drawbacks. You should seek out an insurance professional who understands the rules of engagement to generate tax- free income from these types of cash value polices.

Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) is an FHA insured HUD program for seniors over age 62. HECM has several options to choose from in using home equity. One of those options is tax-free income from collateralized equity loans from your home, which can generate a lump sum or an annual payout. The payout schedule can be for a limited time as an income strategy to delay Social Security benefits to age 70 to maximize its income. By generating tax-free income from a “reverse mortgage” between ages 62 and 70, you can still work without infringing on your Social Security benefits. The payout schedule can also be designed for lifetime tax-free income.

Cash Value Life Insurance and Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) are excellent funding vehicles to design a tax-free retirement plan.

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