It's 2020 fam, if you're talking about snitching there's a good chance Tekashi is somewhere involved. The young rapper made a name for himself snitching on his peers to reduce his sentence. 69 has been in the news again for his rabid fans and early pandemic release - and it seems like the whole 69 situation prompted Gucci Mane to drop a hint. Now the East Atlanta is always decked in fresh ice, and if you're looking to represent that ice cream cone without his level of stacks,'s got you covered.
"I Never Have and Never Will Snitch on Nobody, I'll Do My Time," said Gucci. While it's not clear if the comment was aimed at Tekashi or anyone at all, with the rainbow rapper in the news recently we can only assume who Gucci's target is. While Tekashi's rainbow style might rub some as a little wack, his level of iced out pendants is not. Get in touch with Hip Hop Bling to customize your own pendant.
Gucci of course within the past few years has gotten out of jail himself, then promptly got married. He's no stranger to legal conundrums, however it sounds as though he'd much rather do his time than rat on his friends. We're sure that message alone earned him some loyalty.
Snitching is generally frowned upon, but based on Tekashi's recent chartings, it truly seems like the younger generation of rap fans just doesn't care at all. What do you think about all this, is Gucci in the right? Is Tekashi 6ix9ine? Get in touch and be sure to browse our entire selection of premium custom jewelry at
About is a jewelry wholesaler and retailer with tremendous experience and knowledge of the hip hop jewelry segment. Our company has been around for nearly 20 years offering the finest products to consumers and hip hop related retailers across the globe. We have grown from a small room during the 90s to a full blown 25000sqft warehouse in Columbia MD shipping hundreds of orders each day. Our mission is simple and we stand by it each and every day.
Mission: Find the best jewelry in the world and sell it at the lowest prices possible without compromising quality or service.
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