Medicinal Marijuana

Medicinal Marijuana

Phyto-Nutrients for Health

CBD Unlimited's pure hemp CBD vape oil provides a

Medicinal Marijuana
Medicinal Marijuana 6/22/2018 8:19:00 PM

CBD: Science revolutionizing medicine

A KYMA News 11 Exclusive report by Asal Rezaei air date: 05/11/17

CBD Unlimited's pure hemp CBD vape oil provides a range of CBD benefits, and can potentially be an osteoporosis treatment option. 

Clinical research has drawn direct parallels between taking CBD and increased bone density, with the observances of decreased healing times after bone fractures for patients taking CBD. Taken together, these results can point towards the potential for CBD to be used as am osteoporosis treatment alternative. 

Medicinal Marijuana
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Medicinal Marijuana

Phyto-Nutrients for Health

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