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Book Reviews of Ngugi wa Thiong’o's “The River

The River Between, published in 1965, was written in English by Kenyan, Ngugi wa Thiong'o. The publication of this book marked the first ever fictionalized representation of the Mau Mau Rebellion by an English-educated native. Besides reading the novel itself, students writing book reviews of Ngugi wa Thiong'o's The River Between should research reliable sources on Ngugi wa Thiong'o and read other papers on The River Between on write my research paper website in order to develop ideas for an original book review.

All book reviews of Ngugi wa Thiong'o's The River Between should include a biography of Thiong'o which attempts to reconcile the man with his works. It will be interesting to note that soon after publication of The River Between, Thiong'o abandoned both the English name "James" and Christianity in a move to identify more with his native Kenyans. He also began to embrace Marxism.

Book reviews of Ngugi wa Thiong'o's The River Between should also contain a brief synopsis of the story. Set against the backdrop of the Mau Mau rebellion, The River Between tells the story of conflict between neighboring tribes, one of which has embraced colonization and Christianity, and the other that clings to tribal customs and struggles for independence from British rule.

To individualize book reviews of Ngugi wa Thiong'o's The River Between, students may consider comparing The River Between with Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. Both books relate ways in which African natives were treated cruelly by European colonists, but Thiong'o felt that Western literature misrepresented the Africa he knew and loved and he sought to correct these misconceptions in The River Between and other novels. Another approach to book reviews of Ngugi wa Thiong'o's The River Between would be to compare that work with the work of other African authors such as Olaudah Equiano.

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