A complete disgrace how come someone be so

Law News
Law News 9/24/2017 3:01:51 PM

crazy lady argues with people about PTSD dog

A crazy women argues with a veterans family about having his PTSD dog in a restaurant . (For licensing and usage, contact: licensing@viralhog.com)

A complete disgrace how come someone be so uneducated, lack knowledge and be completely disrespectful She is so worried about a dog being present in a restaurant while eating crab or some form of fish. Eating crab is a lot more gross than a dog sitting or standing in a food establishment while looking out for one of our Veterans. 

Austin did tours in Iraq, Bosnia and Afghanistan which have left him psychological trauma.

The woman, Ciara Miller, said that she found the idea of an animal in a restaurant disgusting, and went into a profanity-laced rant.

“I’m leaving because the food is nasty and there’s a dog,” Miller yells.  

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