I have a question

Law News
Law News 9/27/2018 6:26:34 PM
I have a question. When Ford heard Kavanaugh and Judge go down the stairs laughing, were she still in the room upstairs?

I thought she struggled to get away. If she heard them going down the stairs, did they get up and leave the room voluntarily? If they did in fact push her into the room and they were intoxicated and did not rape Ford or beat Ford, I know it is scary and not a cool thing to do, but maybe her perception of what they were planning to do to her was not at all the case. If they did get up and leave the room voluntarily and let her leave the house, it does not seem that Judge and Kavanaugh were going to rape her otherwise it seems like 2 strong 17 year old boys getting a 15 year old girl in a room could have raped her if that was the objective.

She was very believable, but this question comes up for me.
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