Online Marketing Social Media

Online Marketing Social Media

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70 million US Citizens voted for the current

70 million US Citizens voted for the current President of United States of America. He was elected by your friends, neighbors and family members many of them voted for President Tump in 2020 and Joe Biden. Although you may not agree with their vote their reasons mean something to them just as those who voted forJoe means something to them. By telling each side they are or were wrong, to who, you? They more than likely think the same about who you voted for. So instead of telling them they are wrong and you are right listen to your friend, family and neighbors without interruption without letting them know you are judging them inside, get to know them and see it from their side. Be understanding instead of judgmental. I hope Joe Biden is the best President we ever have, why in the world would I ever root against our President. Anyone who has in the past. Well that's odd that you would want the leader of the free world to do bad. No riots today so that's a good thing. Haven't heard about Covid-19 since Tuesday I hope it becomes the lead story again soon. Before Tuesday it was.
Online Marketing Social Media
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Online Marketing Social Media

We Reach The People You Want to Know You



We can all come together and get along no matter who you voted for that will never affect how I feel about anyone this is powerful

1 Survivor
1 Survivor

It’s better for everyone to listen to one another, and agree to disagree if needed😉🇺🇸

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