When you are faced with a lawsuit over your student loans from National Collegiate Student Loan Trust you may not know where to turn. National Collegiate Student Loan Trust is suing students for their student loans, even though they are neither the originator or the lender of the loan. Fight your lawsuit against National Collegiate Student Loan Trust with Student Loan Law Group to avoid receiving a default judgement, call 888-843-1706 today.
National Collegiate Student Loan Trust is a Delaware Trust that holds private student loans that are guaranteed by TERI, not the federal government. All the loans held by National Collegiate Student Loan Trust were originated under various banks from different loan programs. In order for the lawsuit to be valid, National Collegiate Student Loan Trust most prove ownership of the loan and that the amount they claim you owe is in fact the amount actually owed.
When you take no action against your lawsuit, hoping it will go away, you are likely to receive a default judgement, and that is exactly what National Collegiate Student Loan Trust wants to have happen. When you fight back with Student Loan Law Group, we can help you attempt to have the lawsuit dropped, or settle on more favorable terms.
Call Student Loan Law Group today at 888-843-1706 to start your lawsuit defense against National Collegiate Student Loan Trust. We are here to help defend you and represent you in your case, so give us a call today at 888-843-1706.
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