

Saving YOUR business from bad weather shutdowns!

DAMAGING SEVERE WEATHER as furious fall tornadoes

WeatherCall 10/24/2017 2:53:08 PM

How WeatherCall Helps Businesses

Attention EHS Directors, Safety Director, Facilities Directors - tired of getting wrong weather information and losing money and time when you shut down duri...

DAMAGING SEVERE WEATHER as furious fall tornadoes leave a path of damage the past few days. First in Oklahoma, where a tornado ripped the roof off a casino Saturday night. Then tornadoes were reported Sunday near Mobile. Finally, multiple tornadoes tore through Hickory, NC and Spartanburg, SC flipping planes. Is your business getting the RIGHT weather information to know when to act? Find out how to get a FREE demo of our "No False Alarm" service.

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Saving YOUR business from bad weather shutdowns!

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