Zachary Barth

Zachary Barth

"Stronger every day"

Babish has done it again with this multi-layeredg

Zachary Barth
Zachary Barth 7/11/2017 8:50:49 PM

Binging with Babish: Game of Thrones

This weekend we're welcoming back the show that has the monopoly on lurid violence, epic battles, and wholly unnecessary nudity: Game of Thrones. George R.R....

Babish has done it again with this multi-layered meat masterpiece of a pie inspired by Game of Thrones.

Let's see a show of hands, how many GoT fans out there? Westeros has never had anything tastier than this dish Babish cooks up this week with cherry pigeon, bacon, wild boar, apple, rabbit and mushrooms to finish. A meal fit for a king. 

#Dinneriscoming #Winteriscoming 

Zachary Barth
Written by

Zachary Barth

"Stronger every day"

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