Zachary Barth

Zachary Barth

"Stronger every day"

Let me start off by saying I'm truly sorry for all

Zachary Barth
Zachary Barth 8/6/2019 2:30:16 PM

Ignorant Politicians Blame Gaming for Shootings AGAIN - Inside Gaming Daily

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Let me start off by saying I'm truly sorry for all those affected by the mass shootings in Dayton Ohio and El Paso Texas over the weekend. There should not ever be a need to massacre the innocent due to one's own ideologies. But blaming video games is completely irresponsible. 

"...Blaming entertainment is irresponsible. Moreover, it is highly disrespectful to the victims and their families. The fact is, entertainment is consumed world-wide...but gun violence is uniquely American. So we need to address the real issues."

Violence has been depicted in the bible, sacred texts, classical paintings and art throughout the ages. VIOLENCE IS NOT SOMETHING NEW, for fucks sake look at other developed nations with ready access to firearms! Australia, Japan and many others. There are cases of gun violence in other nations, but no other nation but the US has the same rate of mass shootings and gun violence. 

Video games, entertainment media, movies - you might as well say seeing the Avengers or Game of Thrones makes me want to viciously beat someone to a pulp. STOP blame shifting, educate yourself on the nearly endless studies disproving links between violence and video games, and START shifting attention to where it matters - curtailing the NRA who have funded and published legislation prohibiting funds being allocated to gun violence research, cut gun ownership and create stricter licensing and gun ownership restrictions. Oh, and WHAT ABOUT HIS UPBRINGING AND PARENTS??

Will that solve the violence issue? No, but it will help curtail access to weapons that cause such bloodshed in such a short period of time. Look at every other country on earth for fucks sake. 

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. 
Zachary Barth
Written by

Zachary Barth

"Stronger every day"



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