Elle Valentine Health

Elle Valentine Health


I like to have pitaya red dragonfruit every day

Elle Valentine Health
Elle Valentine Health 4/23/2020 2:21:46 PM

I like to have pitaya (red dragonfruit) every day because of the many healing, cell regenerating, liver-loving properties it has but with all that’s going on and so much out of stock, I’ve been having the hardest time finding the frozen pitaya I usually get. I was super excited to see @nutritionrestore launch their organic Pink Pitaya Superfood Powder because it is definitely the next best thing! It’s really convenient to have the pure freeze-dried powder on hand—I always make sure to keep some stocked up (just as I do with wild blueberry powder) so I don’t ever have to go without :) •
I tested it out with a colorful smoothie bowl and it was perfection. All I did was blend 2 frozen bananas, 1tsp of @nutritionrestore pink pitaya powder, and a little lemon juice (to keep the banana from getting bitter) until it was smooth like soft serve ice cream. I put it into a bowl with some toppings (I used banana, coconut, and mango) andddd devoured😋•
@nutitionrestore was kind enough to give you guys 25% off (!) with the code ELLE25OFF. Follow the link in my bio and it will take you there :) Enjoy!

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